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Closes in 9



Play demo by clicking PLAY on menu.

Best if viewed in full screen!

You must have a player on the game screen. You can select a player and put them on a platform to start.

Player Controls:

Arrow keys move, jump and slide player.


Click E key to open editor.

Left click on any object in sand box and Right click to place it on game screen.

Click on Erase or D key in menu and click on any object on game screen to erase it.

SPACE BAR resets cursor to normal in Edit mode.

C Key hides cursor in play mode.

M selects music

1,2,3,4 selects effects

Click PLAY to work on your project in zoom mode.

C Key hides cursor in play mode

Delete the objects in the demo game or use them to start your game.

NEW resets the entire game to beginning of Demo game.

SAVE or S Key in menu to save your game for later play. Only one game slot for now.

LOAD or L Key in menu to load your game.

RESET or R key to reset player to start of game and reset health and score.