Keyboard Controls
Player 1
A - move left
D - move right
W - jump
Q - Rotate hand counter clockwise
E - Rotate hand clockwise
S - Punch
Player 2
J - move left
L - move right
I - jump
U - Rotate hand counter clockwise
O - Rotate hand clockwise
K - Punch
Player 3
F - move left
H - move right
T - jump
R - Rotate hand counter clockwise
Y - Rotate hand clockwise
G - Punch
Player 4
Left Arrow - move left
Right Arrow - move right
Up Arrow - jump
1 on number pad - Rotate hand counter clockwise
3 on number pad- Rotate hand clockwise
Down Arrow - Punch
Controller Controls
(may very this is based of of Xbox One controllers )
Player 1-4
Left on left joystick - move left
Right on right joystick - move right
A button - jump*
LB - Rotate hand counter clockwise
RB on number pad- Rotate hand clockwise
X button - Punch
Misc. controls
Esc - back to main menu
Left tab - show scores
The squiggly line - Turn off background music