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Closes in 9



Use Keyboard or D-Pad from a Xbox Gamepad.

Arrow Up / D-Pad Up or Button B= Jump

Arrow Left / D-Pad Left = Left

Arrow Right / D-Pad Right = Right

Arrow Down /D-Pad Down = Activate colour recalibrator; when activated move down again to choose colour and press fire to confirm.

Space / Button A = Hold for a while to launch a missile

Available colour combinations:

Cyan = Blue + Green

Magenta = Red + Blue

Yellow = Red + Green

White = Red + Green + Blue

Note: Using a recalibrator consumes some of your energy. When there is not enough energy left, you cannot use the recalibrator until you gain more.

Bonus: E = Energy, I = Invincible (10 sec), T = Time Bonus (30 sek), P = 5000 Points.